Young Leaders of Distinction (YLOD)

Welcome to the Young Leaders of Distinction (YLOD) and YouLEAD Initiative. Students are guided on a step-by-step journey through healthy life skills and through making healthy choices.
Purpose: The purpose of this program is to equip future leaders and or entrepreneurs with the education that teaches the facts and risks of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence prevention, and reduce teen pregnancy. Also, students will be taught career planning education that prepares them for the future of achieving their dreams that lead to self-sufficiency.

Young People Avoiding Teen Pregnancy In order to stay focused on graduating from high school career/job and or college ready.

Students learn how to control emotions, skills to increase self-worth and self-esteem in order to release their potential to be maximized to the fullest.

Students graduated from High School, who are ready to start their new journey to become a self-sufficient adult.

Young People Avoiding Teen Pregnancy In order to stay focused on graduating from high school career/job and or college ready.