YouLEAD Assistance Network (YAN)
Join the thousands of Emerging and Aspiring Global Leaders and Entrepreneurs Soaring (EAGLES), who are Pursuing their DREAMS
Mission: Collaborate with local community partners to assist young people and adults in building their network of resources to set and achieve goals that fulfil their life purpose, through employment or entrepreneurship.
YAN Affiliated With
Program: Empowered4 Purpose DREAMS Network
Avoidance from...
YouLEAD - Leaders and Entrepreneurs Academy of Dreamers Initiative 48 ft. Job Readiness & Career Exploration Simulation Trailer
YouLEAD Assistance Network (YAN) PROGRAMS
Workforce Development:
Job Readiness
Welcome To
Welcome To
Welcome To
YouLEAD Assistance Network (YAN) Program:
Impacted 4 Purpose
Avoidance from...
Career Exploration through the lens of Educational VR Technology
Career Exploration through the lens of Educational VR Technology
Stay up-to-date with upcoming programs, Neighborhood and City-Wide Events
FLON Headquarters: (816) 985-1338
6220 E. Blue Ridge Cutoff, Suite 208
Kansas City, MO 64133
FLON KS Regional Office: (913) 228-3324
650 Minnesota Ave., Suite 210
Kansas City, KS 66101
FLON TX Regional Office: (817) 987-1118
2019 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 100
Arlington, TX 76006